Answers to questions on how to develop, create and see value around
The aspect of life this question and answer section covers are self-discovery
and improvement, finance, business, career, and relationship.
The answers are solutions that are easy to follow. Books that carry the
solution are recommendations to some questions. I am sure you will find
this piece very interesting.
These are questions from real people, their names were exempted for
confidential reasons.
Wondering where the questions came from? These are questions from people
during the question and answer section with Sam Adeyemi on Facebook,
consultation sections and so on. Most of the answers are provided by sam
Adeyemi and some by Peter Oyebode with other amazing personalities. Take
what you need and apply the answers where applicable.
Your personal questions can be directed to Peter Oyebode
QUESTION: How do I build consistency in learning a new skill?
ANSWER: Do something daily in that area for 30mins - 1 hour.
QUESTION: How can I make savings?
ANSWER: Avoid debts and start a side hustle.
QUESTION: I thought of venturing into pure water distribution from factory to
homes. But I am lost about how to develop a clientele base without losing
them to the factory?
ANSWER: Why not start by looking for clientele first. Start with
some research. Go out and ask if people even want this service. No
guesswork. Take the uncertainty out.
QUESTION: I trade forex and crypto but recently I ran into financial dept, it got
so bad that I could barely afford to feed. How do I get out of this
precarious moment?
ANSWER: Investing is risky, maybe slow down a little.
QUESTION: I really need to know how I can be able to meditate more and remember
whatever I read?
ANSWER: Read one chapter a day and memorise one verse. Start slow.
Write it on a stick now and look at it every morning too. Until it
QUESTION: I have a passion for the sales and production of organic
products but my parents did not agree. How can I
persuade my parent to learn it?
ANSWER: You come to an agreement with them. Your parents are
probably fearful of something they do not understand. Show them the
benefits and possibilities and show them your plans on paper.
QUESTION: The happenings in the country landed me in so many business debts
that... Seriously it's getting into my creditors are on my neck
and I'm stuck...don't know what next to do seriously.
ANSWER: Speak to all your creditors. Work out a payment plan with
them. Don't take any more loans.
QUESTION: I want to venture into the business of poultry farming but the recent
bird flu attack made me scared. What can I do sir?
ANSWER: Speak to someone in that business currently, get some
advice. You could call poultry investment companies and ask
QUESTION: When you have foresight, ideas and encouraging values and could see it
will breakthrough, but you are not just propelled, or internally no vibes
to start up, sir how could one overcome this?
ANSWER: Set your goals, look at them every day. Ask yourself what
am I doing right now or is what am doing right now moving me towards my
goal. Be honest with yourself. If you are waiting for vibes you may never
start anything tangible. Don't let fear or excuses dominate your mind.
Break down your goals into daily achievable tasks daily. All the
QUESTION: I am running a startup company. A thrift business.
How do I get investors to expand our services?
ANSWER: Collaborate with someone or partner with someone.
Investors have to see that your business is doing well with huge
potential. If investors can't see this, they will not be interested. Make
sure your business records and systems are excellent. Networking is
important too. You might need to do some online research here.
QUESTION: What is the system to developing the value within myself?
ANSWER: Identify your strengths. Speak to people around you, let
them give you feedback. Take time with yourself and write down what you
love doing, what you want, set your goals and go for it. Seeing value in
yourself starts from within. Self-esteem is highly important. Discard
anything eating at your self-esteem.
QUESTION: How can I go into developing without having any skill?
ANSWER: Learn a skill. Use Youtube, it's free.
QUESTION: In a bid to keep making myself valuable, I've taken and still taking
more courses. I'm currently running a PhD program but I still feel like my
value is not visible enough. I sometimes feel like a cornered/hidden
asset. How do I market myself and make people see more of this value, and
at the same time get good income from this?
ANSWER: In a need to become a valuable person in society, you have to solve
problems. Attend to the problem of your society. Dangote is popular only
because he is attending to the needs of Nigerians and the other countries
in the world. Analyze the needs of your society then strategically find
ways to meet them.
I believe you have a lot of potentials in you that might solve people's
problems. Apart from acquiring educational knowledge, the practical aspect
of you should be felt by the society. That is what matters in the
Write out what you like doing, display your knowledge in a practical
sense. Also, do some research on the challenges people are facing today,
look for the one you have a solution for and make it available for people
to see.
From there you will begin to see yourself impacting others. Of course,
your impact will definitely bring income to you.
QUESTION: As an entrepreneur, I ought to be dispensing value always by putting
out valuable content.
How do I strike a balance between giving out free value and selling
valuable content?
Also, how does one become highly sought after in his niche/field of
ANSWER: The essence of giving free value is to attract a certain
type of audience in your niche.
According to the law of reciprocity, if you give, expect to
Your goal should be to give more value and build your audience, then you
can monetize your audience by selling a product.
QUESTION: I am a business lady, and I have a restaurant in Abuja. My dad died and
I stopped. I am now in Lagos working to save up money to start again,
am so so tired of everything?
ANSWER: I think you already created a myth and pattern in your
head and you need to lose it. That problem is exactly the way you see
Go again and clear off the myth. That is when you have money to start
QUESTION: I am a teacher in a school preparing to go for my masters, I heard of
adding value, upgrading and so on.
How do I add value and upgrade myself spiritually, financially and
ANSWER: To add value to yourself is simply to add knowledge to yourself. Be
loaded and that is how you will be needed.
The value you are to add here is for you to solve problems with the
knowledge you have acquired academically. For example, if you are teaching
English in school, you can start by letting people know the importance of
good communication. Not everybody knows how to communicate effectively.
You can teach people what it takes to become a good public speaker. Write
it as an ebook and sell it.
QUESTION: I am currently an apprentice at a fashion house and just
graduated(2020). I am looking for how to raise capital and gain
entrepreneurial skills. Any advice?
ANSWER: Go and work under someone. Get paid for your services,
safe or join a cooperative, after six months you will be granted a loan to
start up your business.
QUESTION: How can u discover my talent and develop it?
QUESTION: What about marriage issues?
ANSWER: Read books on marriage, I recommend
QUESTION: How can I develop and monetize my gift of counselling and life
ANSWER: Get some video testimonials from people you have helped.
Use social media to offer free content daily to people and YouTube too.
Build a following. Start building your email list, give something for
email addresses. Improve your online presence and network with people in
that space. Start doing something. You can open an online counselling
platform. Do some research too on how this is done.
QUESTION: How can I multiply my values, sir?
ANSWER: Grow. You need to learn new skills or improve the skills
you already have to the highest possible level.
QUESTION: How can one be successful as a man?
ANSWER: To be successful as a man, you need to;
- Be responsible
- Get a vision
- Be disciplined
QUESTION: How can one build a good relationship with his partner and also with
ANSWER: To have a good relationship with partner and God;
- Always seek first to be understandable
- Then express yourself to be understood
And always find a third alternative when there is a difference in a stand.
QUESTION: How can I control my mindset?
ANSWER: Watch your circle of friends, the songs you listen to, the
books you read, the television programs you watch and people you listen
QUESTION: Is it possible to start a business with capital as low as thirty
ANSWER: Yes, you can start with very little. Look at your skills
and monetize them. Test the market, see if people want your services. Go
for it.
QUESTION: I have in mind to start a business but am always afraid of failing.
What can I do?
ANSWER: You need a right mindset to succeed in business. Business
is built, it is not an investment where you put your money and go to
sleep, wait for your ROI every month. Business requires your attention,
develop yourself more around your business, give it time while you get
better and also get a mentor that will guide you. A lot of persons don't
see the need for mentorship but ask those that are successful today, they
will tell you who their mentor is.
QUESTION: I just got admission to school and my mum that is willing to sponsor my
education has passed on since last year. What can I do about this since
there is no helper again and education really matters to me?
ANSWER: First of all, calm yourself down. Find a skill and learn,
start your own, save money and pursue your education.
QUESTION: How do I relate with people, I mean having a long-lasting relationship
with people?
For example, I don't have any special friends, I see everyone like "they
are human beings" "don't trust them"
ANSWER: Maybe you have been hurt by someone you trusted. But this
feeling will go off if you start associating yourself with people that
share the same vision as you and work with them to achieve a common goal.
You will form friendships from there.
QUESTION: I discovered I have so many creative ideas both in and out of my field
but I don't know how to go develop the ideas outside my field, how to sell
these ideas or invest in them?
ANSWER: Do some research on how ideas work. There are tons of
books on the topic. You can check out;
- 8th Habit by Stephen Covey
360-degree leader by John Maxwell
Or you check out Richard Branson, Warren Bemmis or Peter Drucker's books.
There are so many management, leadership and business books out
Before deciding to purchase or read any book, make sure the said author
has results in that particular aspect of life.
QUESTION: I started off with sciences, when I got admission into the school of
nursing, my admission was sold. I got angry and change my course to
business administration. I finished feeling very empty, I went ahead to do
postgraduate in education because I discovered I enjoyed teaching, wrote
the teachers exam and passed but all the jobs I am getting can barely feed
me. I am at a crossroads of what I should do, what is the way out?
ANSWER: You made it clear that you enjoyed teaching, you need to
keep the passion burning and with time you will find a better teaching
Keep doing your best and think of ways to start a business around
You can add a side business also to meet your financial needs, look
around you, find what people need most am start selling them.
QUESTION: I am having a big challenge keeping my business going in my absence. I
am not afraid of delegating but people don't deliver as much value as I
would if I was present. So I am afraid of leaving the business to run
itself. What can I do to solve this problem?
ANSWER: Read the 8th Habit by Stephen Covey.
QUESTION: I love counselling, motivating, advising etc, either on a career path,
marital issues or any other topics. Also, I can teach(preach), I derive
joy in doing them but I don't know how to go about these gifts. What
exactly am I called to do on earth and how can I develop it?
ANSWER: Since you seem to be able to identify your strengths, then
all you simply have to do now is express them. There are great individuals
in these fields, listen to their tapes or read their books and do
something that taps from your strengths for a minimum of an hour a day and
watch yourself grow tremendously.
You can channel your purpose into public speaking and writing. You can
use your Facebook page or group to deliver your content.
QUESTION: Why do we have more young writers committing suicide while the older
writers are breathing the struggle?
ANSWER: Most of them started writing because they were told they
can earn from it.
Not for the love of it or passion. Older writers kill boredom, and
depression through writing, the writing was a healing to their aching
heart, but to the present-day writers, it plunges them to loneliness and
eventually suicide because it was to them a craft and it must
pay. The squabbles are all the fall out of fail expectations.
QUESTION: What is the most important thing you think a man or woman should
achieve or should have before seeing himself/herself ready for
ANSWER: Knowing what God created you to be, so as to find someone
whose purpose and dreams align with yours.