How I met my husband Daniel Akpata on Radio because I listened to the holy spirit.
Mrs Ikana Daniel Akpata shared how she met Mr Daniel Akpata(the only true, blunt, crazy love doctor). She was led by the Holy Spirit and that is divine direction. This story is filled with suspense, humour and real fact and I believe you will enjoy it. Not only that, you will learn a great lesson from her story. Her story goes thus:
Divine direction is simply when we act in full compliance with the directive of the Holy Spirit. As children of God, we know that the Spirit of God can reveal itself in many ways. These include dreams, visions, a true prophet of God, or through the still small voice, but He is not limited to these ways alone.
Slowly recovering from the Suicide attempt with the support of my family and loved ones, I still needed to do more so that I won't remain depressed because of what happened that lead to the attempted suicide. In the process, I remembered that I didn't complete my Industrial Training on Radio and Television Presentation at TVC, (Now I understand why I didn't complete it). I had suddenly lost interest Completing the 6 months IT I was to do, that was 2008. Fast forward to 2011, I had to complete it or else I would not be certified as a professional Radio and Television Presenter. So one of the recovery processes recommended was that I must go out to do what I love doing. That was when the Industrial Training came in handy. My elder Sister; Stephanie Asuquo Effiong was solidly behind my decision to do this. But I didn't know how to go about it, because I don't think TVC would have accepted me back after I blanked out just like that.
I began to ask for divine direction, I didn't just want to make a mess but I wanted something new to happen in my life which will wipe away all my tears and pain. I prayed for a soul mate who will add value to me and also respect God's work in my life. Then I remember an old friend who was a presenter with LTV(Lagos Television), I reached out to him. Unfortunately, he wanted to have sex with me before helping connect me for IT. WOW, so even with all that he heard I went through and how I survived suicide, all he wanted before helping me was to sleep with me. Jeez! For days I pleaded with him, he insisted on what he wanted and bluntly told me even the GM will still sleep with me before helping me.
I was mad in my spirit and thought, how can I belittle the directions I have received already from the Holy Spirit to go directly to LTV that the path was cleared already for me. I told my Sister and she encouraged me to go that I would find a favour. I took my faith alone with me the following day, straight to LTV, I walked straight to the receptionist and requested to see the General Manager. Without any protocol, I was ushered in. Just like that, hmmm, things were falling in place.
I greeted him and told him I was directed to see him for my IT. He asked; who? and I told him; the Holy Spirit. I'm sure he must have thought there's something wrong with me. He smiled and said he liked me a lot and was going to help me, but unfortunately the entries have closed for IT students, but he will give me a letter to the General Manager of Eko Fm.
He gave me a note without any strings attached, not even a handshake, I remembered how my old friend had rubbish his boss before me. I went to Eko Fm that same day and asked to see the person the note was addressed to, I can't forget that day ohh! I was directed to his office and we got talking, he talked to me like he's known me for many years. He told me entries have also closed for IT students but he was going to break protocols for my sake. Hallelujah! He signed my letter and assigned me to Double O of Eko Fm Morning Belt. Remember I met my husband the Love Doctor at Eko Fm, during my IT.
The then Assistant General Manager of EKO FM assigned me to work under Double O, a beautiful and soft soul woman who loved and accepted me. It's wasn't an easy task focusing on the job as my number one companion was DEPRESSION. No one could see the pains I felt. I managed so much to go through the shifts every day except for Saturdays and Sundays. Five months down the lane, I haven't really achieved so much and it looked like I didn't hear well from God. Haba! five months and one week, I never meet this man, what's happening?. And the Holy Spirit still reminded me it wasn't time all I need was to remain focused. My request will be granted.
Gracefully, I continued my Industrial Training. Two weeks to the end of my IT, I was informed that I have to understudy one guy called Daniel Akpata. Hmmm, I see! and he was mostly on night duties. Haba! but IT students weren't allowed to work night shifts nah, why will I be posted for Night. But I was also informed he would do afternoon shift the day I was to start work with him. I have a choice to continue with him or not if I'm not comfortable. Okay, this was fine by me. August 2011 (10 years exactly) I meet him one warm afternoon to understudy him. Unfortunately, he was just behaving like he owned EKO FM. I was like "who be this one". "Shebi he no no say I no send am, the wahala I get pass all this him fine boy shakara he dey showcase". He no send me, me self no send am. Then I saw his long nails, what! oga what the hell are you doing with a Long nail? That's the first thing I said to him, then I saw his Facebook account with over 1,000 friend requests pending. I was like "what is even your own self. How can you leave over 1,000 friends request pending, you are too full of yourself" I thought.
Then he turned for the first time and looked at me, he said something I will never forget. He said to me "I SEE SO MUCH PAIN AND HURTS IN YOUR EYES, YOU WANNA SHARE WITH ME?"! Really, that was ice-breaking! He could see beyond my beautiful and 'gragra'! He was the first person who actually wanted to hear me and also help me. I was teary but relieved. I was ready to share for the first time everything I have gone through all my life. When his shift ended, we took a walk to the restaurant to talk about everything. For the first time, I felt I was with the right person to unburden without being judged. I told him EVERYTHING ABOUT ME! I MEAN EVERYTHING! THE GOOD! THE BAD AND THE UGLY! I told him everything in case he is interested in me. So he knows I was a handful yet blessed. I told him my dreams and aspirations, My vision and purpose. My strengths and weaknesses and WHO I AM!
For hours he listened with tears in his eyes, he didn't interrupt me. I saw a man cry for my pains, I felt his genuine love towards me. He looked me straight in the eyes and Said "I WANT TO MARRY YOU!." In the name of God do not mock me, sir, after everything you heard, you want to mock me. He looked me in the eyes and said again "I MEAN WHAT I JUST SAID!, I will not give up on you, I have prayed to marry a woman like you." How on earth will someone pray to marry a woman like me?. I told him I wasn't interested, I needed time to heal. He promised to help me heal first, before anything. Then he gave me his number. I dial the number and it turned out I had the number already and he is THE LOVE DOCTOR! I was a fan of his show, SOMETHING FOR SINGLES! Hell no! This guy want. to chop and go. I will not accept it, he has a sweet mouth.
Let me stop here! We can all guess what happened. But if you all want me to continue, I will gladly continue this story! I love you all.
Lessons from her story
1. Learn to listen to divine direction
2. Always seek Gods help whenever you need it
3. Do not trade divine direction with a false claim.
4. See God above your challenges.
You may want to ask, what is divine direction?
Divine direction is receiving and acting in full obedience to the directive of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is our comforter, guide and counsellor. Do not hesitate to seek help from God whenever you need it because he will surely send his angels to help you.
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