Showing posts with label PRODUCTIVITY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PRODUCTIVITY. Show all posts

26 September, 2021

Published September 26, 2021 by with 1 comment

Answers To Questions On Different Aspects Of Life

Question and answer section about different aspects of life such as CAREER, LIFE, BUSINESS, FINANCE and RELATIONSHIP.

Gathering of youths

It sounds great when we find the perfect answers to the questions that have been bordering our minds. If you can take few minutes to go through these questions and answers from real people, you will find this section very useful. It can spur ideas that might be useful for you or someone close to you. The questions are from several aspects of life such as business, career, relationship, finance, and even academics. Below are the questions from real people during the question and answer section with Sam Adeyemi.

QUESTION: "I don't need to advertise my services/products on TV or radio, if they're of good quality, people will tell people" What do you think about this idea Sir?

ANSWER: That's one aspect of marketing. You need to utilize every form. That statement will not work in 2021.

QUESTION: I am a fashion designer and I can make clothes very well, but my problem is money to establishes it. How can I raise money?

ANSWER: Go and work with a bigger and better fashion designers company where you can raise money with more ideas before starting your own, to reduce your financial challenges.

QUESTION: Everything is just difficult for me, how am I going to overcome it? please help me out?

ANSWER: start by changing your thinking.

QUESTION: As a business owner (SME), how can I get tax relief?

ANSWER: Speak to your accountant or get one.

QUESTION: I am into catering as a chef working in a hotel for some years now, how can I succeed as a chef in my career?

ANSWER: You can start by using Instagram. Own a youtube channel. Show your skills and present your dishes with quality. Also, get an Instagram page and promote your work.

QUESTION: How do I know if I'm going to be rich in future?

ANSWER: Do you believe you will be rich? Change your mindset. As you think in your heart so it is. If you believe convincingly that you will be rich, yes you will!

QUESTION: How can we break from the spirit of poverty, delay and stagnation in my family? my dad and mom worked for more than 32years without a house or anything and now he is retired, he has not been paid since July this year.

ANSWER: You need to start from how you think about wealth. Your mindset has to change. You cannot use a poverty mindset to become rich. Start somewhere! No prayer can help someone who thinks differently from what God intended for you.

QUESTION: I'm a girl of 18 and I am a fashion designer, but things are not really going fine and I am slowly losing my self-esteem and confidence. I am under pressure from family just to make money and be the perfect child. I just don't know what to do because I am almost depressed trying to act all perfect. I need advice on what to do and also my Christian life is dropping drastically and everything is just weighing me down mentally. I need advice.

ANSWER: Get a mentor in this area. You need to reach out to someone who has done what you are doing before and get guidance. Show your parents a plan of what you want to achieve and how you are going to achieve it. Speak to them lovingly and patiently. Also, get into a group of people who are better achieving. About your Christian life; recommit to God. Get accountable to someone. Go for your goals. Do something daily that moves you to your goals. Don't get discouraged. Every time you feel discouraged, please bring out your goals and look at them. Use social media to promote your design.

QUESTION: My relationship failed recently because I always pushed the guy to become better and aim higher till he accused me of hurrying him ahead of his pace in life. Do you think I should just settle for mediocrity with him or let my determined nature push me on?

ANSWER: Men hate to feel like their women think they are not enough. The first thing in a relationship is acceptance, don't try to shape him to be what you want, if you are not okay with the way he is then you shouldn't just dive into the relationship, all a man needs from you is trust and support but if you push him too much, he would feel like you think he's not enough, you can read the book MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS BY JOHN GRAY.

QUESTION: I always find myself committing the sin I don't want to commit, no matter how I promise myself not to do it again, I kept doing it over and over again. Now I stop reading the Bible because I am still committing the sin despite reading the Bible. Please what can I do?

ANSWER: Pray to God Almighty for guardians. By His grace and mercies, He'll guide you out of this situation. But mind you, you shouldn't leave everything into God's hand alone. You need to play a vital role in this. Discipline yourself to the core. Take your mind off those sins for once. Guide your thoughts because that's where the battle is originating from. Please don't STOP reading your Bible. The devil is aware of how powerful God's word is that why he's trying to take your mind off God's words. May God Almighty see you through. (Amen)

QUESTION: I want to know how to boost the small scale business selling of building materials and paint that I just added to the work that I am doing before I became a salary earner with a small salary, please tell me what to do.

ANSWER: Get a mentor in that field, someone who has achieved the things you'd like to achieve in that field.

QUESTION: Presently I am a youth corp member in katsina and I know how to barb hair, I have saved up for the business. What should be my consideration before starting a business and what is the best way to increase sales?

ANSWER: There are lots of things you need before starting a business. First, find out very well what people are looking for and are ready to buy. Create solutions around those needs and invest your money in them. Don't go into any business without researching whether or not people are craving the product or service. This is why people fail in business; they go into business and start looking for customers. Again, there are highly recommend and sought-after Digital skills you can learn and make money online legitimately while doing your service in Katsina. Finally, get a business coach and a mentor.

QUESTION; I have a zeal to acquire Skills in ICT and explore myself in Information and Communication Technology, but the resources and material are what I don't have, sometimes I feel disappointed because I haven't started yet, I have tried so many other Jobs but non is to my satisfaction, I am still keen on that ICT desire of mine, but the way to go about achieving it is what is baffling me. I have been patient with myself, waiting for the right time. Sometimes, I think maybe God hasn't approved it for me yet, but I don't know how to fix things to archive this zeal of mine. I need Courage

Answer: Start with learning some tech skills. Like graphics, ebook creation, Digital marketing e.t.c

QUESTION: Is it a good idea for the workforce of a church in their respective department to run as a voluntary Service group in Church and as a business? E.g Media Team also running as a media company, ushering team running as a professional ushering company, worship team running also as a professional Christian music company, protocol running also a running a professional security company

ANSWER: Why not create a brand under the church that will cater for all this plus anyone who works with this brand gets paid.

QUESTION: I have great visions and plans but I sometimes fear that they might not come true due to some challenges. How can I deal with those fears and lack of confidence?

ANSWER: You need courage. You need to try first. If you do not give a trial, you will never know. Go for it.

QUESTION: I have two certificates in education and the only business I am sure of doing perfectly is running a school of my own, but I don't have the start-up fund. Please sir, how can I raise funds for this business?

ANSWER: Work in a very good school for some time while you save up money. If you have a space to start up daily lessons, you could add that to it as a side hustle while working.

QUESTION: I want to know what to do, in a situation when all things in my life are not working out as supposed, but as a Christian, I have tried every possible way to work it out both in hard work, prayer, and selfless service to God, but all I could observe is seeing my walls collapsing. What do I do at this point?

ANSWER: You seem to have made the problem seem bigger than it is and that would keep making it seem to be so, it is not possible for everything in your life not to be working, there may just be some few things that are not working as you want, and you need to identify them, and you haven't tried every possible way to make it work, you might have tried some things but you haven't tried everything, you have to change your mindset about the problem. That would be your first step to a breakthrough.

QUESTION: I am a type of person that whenever I attend Church program, seminar, or conference, there is this type of zeal or motivation in me when the speaker is speaking or teaching that makes me feel to do like them or even better than them. But when the Church program, seminar or conference is over, the zeal or motivation is also over.  How can I overcome such situations?

ANSWER: The challenge you're having is that after hearing all of those teachings/ motivational words, you don't FOLLOW UP WITH STRATEGIC ACTIONS IMMEDIATELY. After hearing all of those words, start taking actions that will direct you to the positive results you're looking for. Strategic action is the only thing that will bring the results, not just those words alone.

QUESTION: I have a talent of writing. I have written two books but nothing in terms of money is coming. I have envisaged a business outline but without capital. I have two manuscripts that I want to sell at a giveaway prize to raise money for the business. What can I do about this?

ANSWER: You can publish an ebook. Make money from the Ecopy to raise money for the hardcopy.

QUESTION: How can I boost my confidence back, I have been so afraid to move on due to past experience. I feel depressed and traumatized.

ANSWER: You need therapy.

QUESTION: I am a young boy of 21 years. I am currently a final year student and the first child too. With the help of the Lord, I touched money at the tender age of 16 years, but was unwise to know how to manage it and everything just went into smoke.

Apart from that, I have got pressing issues from my parents, please and even from myself.

Issues like;

1. Who am I?

2. What am I to do on Earth?

3. How do I even get to where I am supposed to be?

4. If I am called, how do I get started?

5. How can I get good financial education.

All these are some of the issues I am going through that I would love you to help me out with.

ANSWER: Get books and read, I recommend 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen covey, maximizing your potential by John Maxwell and Rich Dad poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.

QUESTION: How I am going to help a depressed person because I have not experienced such before. I will appreciate your response. Thank you, Sir.

ANSWER: BY making the person engage in meaningful things that will benefit him or her, let the person continue to study the word of God, and always be around positive people with good and genuine advice.

QUESTION: I have a fan base of over ten thousand children in primary and secondary schools in two major states, how can I convert this to a stream of income.

ANSWER: Become a teen coach.

QUESTION: I am a graduate since 2018, I have been sending my CV to so many companies, I updated my CV, yet I can't get a job, what would have caused this?

ANSWER: Create a job for yourself!! Learn a skill, enrol as an apprentice, combine it with the education you got. You will be on top!!

QUESTION: I don't know why I have been finding it difficult to say 'yes to a man that has been asking for my hand in marriage for months now. Please what could be the reason?

ANSWER:  Maybe you don't feel convinced enough that he's the right choice for you, and saying you don't know why you can't say yes to him kinda feels like you don't know what you want and you need to. Know exactly what you want, so you don't end up with what you don't want because of the circumstances around it.

QUESTION: Good morning sir, I love making snacks and that is what made me venture into it fully. I started selling from small to large Quantities. But recently, I have had a little challenge with my customers, due to the high rise of recipes in the market, I have to reduce the quantity of my product, but my customers are complaining comparing it to people that do their own commercially more than I could do. It discouraged me though, what can I do?

ANSWER: As an entrepreneur, I suggest you explain to them and try to make them understand why it is that way. I know they'll threaten to leave for another vendor. However, if you think it's worth reducing the number of snacks you produce to be able to buy the complete ingredients, do it. But, if I were in your shoes, I would make it as tasteful as usual and increase the price. Some of them will buy while others will go. But with that, you can maintain your feet in the market.

QUESTION: I want to pass my WAEC and NECO without malpractice but no educational infrastructure (e.g, laboratory, e.t.c) should I get involved in cheating? because I tried for the first time and my chemistry was F9 and Physics P8.

ANSWER: No, don't get involved in exams malpractice. If the location you find yourself in doesn't have the needed academic infrastructures, search for some other place that does, then register for their tutorials. But the undiluted truth is that you'll need to work more on yourself. Make a sincere evaluation of your strength/weaknesses as a student. When you understand the basic factors that will enhance your learning abilities, passing WAEC and NECO or any other exams will be easy for you.

QUESTION: As a married woman with two kids and in the middle '20s. Do I still need to obey and heed my parents against my husbands wish since the bible said children obey your parents, Is it still applicable to me as a married woman? Especially when my husband is not in support of their idea?

ANSWER: Judge from the advice of both parties. Follow whose advice is right.

QUESTION: I'm into Real Estate and Chief Executive Officer Of my company. what are the measures to apply in order to thrive in a rigid economic policy in a country such as Nigeria as regards to Real Estate business? I will be very glad to understand the right approach to enable my company to grow stronger.

ANSWER: if you grow, your company will grow. Get a mentor in this area(real estate) with some coaching if possible. To move your company forward you also need superstars working for you. people who are good. Check out this book (The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster by Darren Hardy.)

QUESTION: Good morning Sir, I have run a small snack business for two months now but I find out that I keep losing my capital and I have to source out money to start over again. Although I feed on the money. I need help

ANSWER: I think your expenses from the business is bigger than the income and that ain't right. Check how much you make at a particular period and how much you spend from the business. 70% of your income should go into your savings while 30% can be used for any other necessities

QUESTION: Sir, I want to write a book. How do I start?

ANSWER: Get a topic. Break down what you want to cover in that book. Do some research. Start writing.

QUESTION: How do I know the will of God for me in choosing a life partner?

ANSWER: For you to know the will of God in a relationship, you need to be dead to flesh by trying to choose for yourself, there are things you need to put into consideration. When you see the right person, you will notice the peace of mind, total conviction without any doubt, sincerity and total commitment without holding back anything, understanding, commitment to your well being and not after sex, future ambition or target.

QUESTION: I want to create a health app. I have a picture of what I want in my mind but don't know how to start. What can I do sir? I am a nurse.

ANSWER: First of all, partner with people who are into App creation, but be careful because of wrong people who will steal that idea, then do some online research to gather ideas that will lead you into that, nothing good come easy, give more time into the training every day, it doesn't matter even if you do mistake, you can still start all over again until you get what you want.

QUESTION: How do I improve my leadership and communication Skills without a mentor.

ANSWER: Work on yourself through listening to some important messages/CD, or online research. YouTube have it all. You can learn public speaking and communication through YouTube. Try it and follow a lot of communication experts, learn by observation and practice.

QUESTION: How can I become a successful businessman? Do you know any book I can read about that?

ANSWER: Start with building yourself, check out my book online; Start with what you have (Sam Adeyemi)

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30 August, 2021

Published August 30, 2021 by with 2 comments

Answers to questions on how to develop, create and see value around you.

Answers to questions on how to develop, create and see value around you.

The aspect of life this question and answer section covers are self-discovery and improvement, finance, business, career, and relationship.

Hand raised for objections

The answers are solutions that are easy to follow. Books that carry the solution are recommendations to some questions. I am sure you will find this piece very interesting.

These are questions from real people, their names were exempted for confidential reasons.

Wondering where the questions came from? These are questions from people during the question and answer section with Sam Adeyemi on Facebook, consultation sections and so on. Most of the answers are provided by sam Adeyemi and some by Peter Oyebode with other amazing personalities. Take what you need and apply the answers where applicable.

Your personal questions can be directed to Peter Oyebode

QUESTION: How do I build consistency in learning a new skill?

ANSWER: Do something daily in that area for 30mins - 1 hour.

Question and answer section

QUESTION: How can I make savings?

ANSWER: Avoid debts and start a side hustle.

Savings and investment

Savings and investment

QUESTION: I thought of venturing into pure water distribution from factory to homes. But I am lost about how to develop a clientele base without losing them to the factory?

ANSWER: Why not start by looking for clientele first. Start with some research. Go out and ask if people even want this service. No guesswork. Take the uncertainty out.

QUESTION: I trade forex and crypto but recently I ran into financial dept, it got so bad that I could barely afford to feed. How do I get out of this precarious moment?

ANSWER: Investing is risky, maybe slow down a little.

QUESTION: I really need to know how I can be able to meditate more and remember whatever I read?

ANSWER: Read one chapter a day and memorise one verse. Start slow. Write it on a stick now and look at it every morning too. Until it sticks.

QUESTION: I have a passion for the sales and production of organic       products but my parents did not agree. How can I persuade my parent to learn it?

ANSWER: You come to an agreement with them. Your parents are probably fearful of something they do not understand. Show them the benefits and possibilities and show them your plans on paper.

QUESTION: The happenings in the country landed me in so many business debts that... Seriously it's getting into my creditors are on my neck and I'm stuck...don't know what next to do seriously.

ANSWER: Speak to all your creditors. Work out a payment plan with them. Don't take any more loans.

Questions and answer

QUESTION: I want to venture into the business of poultry farming but the recent bird flu attack made me scared. What can I do sir?

ANSWER: Speak to someone in that business currently, get some advice. You could call poultry investment companies and ask questions.

QUESTION: When you have foresight, ideas and encouraging values and could see it will breakthrough, but you are not just propelled, or internally no vibes to start up, sir how could one overcome this?

ANSWER: Set your goals, look at them every day. Ask yourself what am I doing right now or is what am doing right now moving me towards my goal. Be honest with yourself. If you are waiting for vibes you may never start anything tangible. Don't let fear or excuses dominate your mind. Break down your goals into daily achievable tasks daily. All the best.

Goals and plan

QUESTION: I am running a startup company. A thrift business.

How do I get investors to expand our services?

ANSWER: Collaborate with someone or partner with someone. Investors have to see that your business is doing well with huge potential. If investors can't see this, they will not be interested. Make sure your business records and systems are excellent. Networking is important too. You might need to do some online research here.

QUESTION: What is the system to developing the value within myself?

ANSWER: Identify your strengths. Speak to people around you, let them give you feedback. Take time with yourself and write down what you love doing, what you want, set your goals and go for it. Seeing value in yourself starts from within. Self-esteem is highly important. Discard anything eating at your self-esteem.

QUESTION: How can I go into developing without having any skill?

ANSWER: Learn a skill. Use Youtube, it's free.

QUESTION: In a bid to keep making myself valuable, I've taken and still taking more courses. I'm currently running a PhD program but I still feel like my value is not visible enough. I sometimes feel like a cornered/hidden asset. How do I market myself and make people see more of this value, and at the same time get good income from this?

ANSWER: In a need to become a valuable person in society, you have to solve problems. Attend to the problem of your society. Dangote is popular only because he is attending to the needs of Nigerians and the other countries in the world. Analyze the needs of your society then strategically find ways to meet them.

I believe you have a lot of potentials in you that might solve people's problems. Apart from acquiring educational knowledge, the practical aspect of you should be felt by the society. That is what matters in the world.

Write out what you like doing

Write out what you like doing, display your knowledge in a practical sense. Also, do some research on the challenges people are facing today, look for the one you have a solution for and make it available for people to see.

From there you will begin to see yourself impacting others. Of course, your impact will definitely bring income to you.

QUESTION: As an entrepreneur, I ought to be dispensing value always by putting out valuable content. 

How do I strike a balance between giving out free value and selling valuable content?

Also, how does one become highly sought after in his niche/field of specialisation?

ANSWER: The essence of giving free value is to attract a certain type of audience in your niche.

According to the law of reciprocity, if you give, expect to receive.

Your goal should be to give more value and build your audience, then you can monetize your audience by selling a product.

QUESTION: I am a business lady, and I have a restaurant in Abuja. My dad died and I stopped. I am now in Lagos working to save up money to start again, WHENEVER I HAVE THE MONEY, SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN. IF THE MONEY DIDN'T FINISH, THE PROBLEM PROBLEM WON'T GO. I AM TIRED. What will I do because I am so so tired of everything?

ANSWER: I think you already created a myth and pattern in your head and you need to lose it. That problem is exactly the way you see it.

Go again and clear off the myth. That is when you have money to start again.

What will i do?

QUESTION: I am a teacher in a school preparing to go for my masters, I heard of adding value, upgrading and so on.

How do I add value and upgrade myself spiritually, financially and otherwise?

ANSWER: To add value to yourself is simply to add knowledge to yourself. Be loaded and that is how you will be needed.

The value you are to add here is for you to solve problems with the knowledge you have acquired academically. For example, if you are teaching English in school, you can start by letting people know the importance of good communication. Not everybody knows how to communicate effectively. You can teach people what it takes to become a good public speaker. Write it as an ebook and sell it.

QUESTION: I am currently an apprentice at a fashion house and just graduated(2020). I am looking for how to raise capital and gain entrepreneurial skills. Any advice?

ANSWER: Go and work under someone. Get paid for your services, safe or join a cooperative, after six months you will be granted a loan to start up your business.

QUESTION: How can u discover my talent and develop it?


QUESTION: What about marriage issues?

ANSWER: Read books on marriage, I recommend


Book on a bed

QUESTION: How can I develop and monetize my gift of counselling and life mentoring?

ANSWER: Get some video testimonials from people you have helped. Use social media to offer free content daily to people and YouTube too. Build a following. Start building your email list, give something for email addresses. Improve your online presence and network with people in that space. Start doing something. You can open an online counselling platform. Do some research too on how this is done.

QUESTION: How can I multiply my values, sir?

ANSWER: Grow. You need to learn new skills or improve the skills you already have to the highest possible level.

QUESTION: How can one be successful as a man?

ANSWER: To be successful as a man, you need to;

Wish for it, hope for it but above all do it
  • Be responsible
  • Get a vision
  • Be disciplined

QUESTION: How can one build a good relationship with his partner and also with God?

ANSWER: To have a good relationship with partner and God;    

  • Always seek first to be understandable
  • Then express yourself to be understood
  • And always find a third alternative when there is a difference in a stand.

QUESTION: How can I control my mindset?

ANSWER: Watch your circle of friends, the songs you listen to, the books you read, the television programs you watch and people you listen to.

QUESTION: Is it possible to start a business with capital as low as thirty thousand?

ANSWER: Yes, you can start with very little. Look at your skills and monetize them. Test the market, see if people want your services. Go for it.

QUESTION: I have in mind to start a business but am always afraid of failing. What can I do?

ANSWER: You need a right mindset to succeed in business. Business is built, it is not an investment where you put your money and go to sleep, wait for your ROI every month. Business requires your attention, develop yourself more around your business, give it time while you get better and also get a mentor that will guide you. A lot of persons don't see the need for mentorship but ask those that are successful today, they will tell you who their mentor is.

QUESTION: I just got admission to school and my mum that is willing to sponsor my education has passed on since last year. What can I do about this since there is no helper again and education really matters to me?

ANSWER: First of all, calm yourself down. Find a skill and learn, start your own, save money and pursue your education.

QUESTION: How do I relate with people, I mean having a long-lasting relationship with people?

For example, I don't have any special friends, I see everyone like "they are human beings" "don't trust them"

ANSWER: Maybe you have been hurt by someone you trusted. But this feeling will go off if you start associating yourself with people that share the same vision as you and work with them to achieve a common goal. You will form friendships from there.

Group discussion

QUESTION: I discovered I have so many creative ideas both in and out of my field but I don't know how to go develop the ideas outside my field, how to sell these ideas or invest in them?

ANSWER: Do some research on how ideas work. There are tons of books on the topic. You can check out;

  1. 8th Habit by Stephen Covey
  2. 360-degree leader by John Maxwell 
    Two woman stting at a table

Or you check out Richard Branson, Warren Bemmis or Peter Drucker's books. There are so many management, leadership and business books out there.

Before deciding to purchase or read any book, make sure the said author has results in that particular aspect of life.

QUESTION: I started off with sciences, when I got admission into the school of nursing, my admission was sold. I got angry and change my course to business administration. I finished feeling very empty, I went ahead to do postgraduate in education because I discovered I enjoyed teaching, wrote the teachers exam and passed but all the jobs I am getting can barely feed me. I am at a crossroads of what I should do, what is the way out?

ANSWER: You made it clear that you enjoyed teaching, you need to keep the passion burning and with time you will find a better teaching job.

Keep doing your best and think of ways to start a business around education.

You can add a side business also to meet your financial needs, look around you, find what people need most am start selling them.

QUESTION: I am having a big challenge keeping my business going in my absence. I am not afraid of delegating but people don't deliver as much value as I would if I was present. So I am afraid of leaving the business to run itself. What can I do to solve this problem?

ANSWER: Read the 8th Habit by Stephen Covey.

Be curious

QUESTION: I love counselling, motivating, advising etc, either on a career path, marital issues or any other topics. Also, I can teach(preach), I derive joy in doing them but I don't know how to go about these gifts. What exactly am I called to do on earth and how can I develop it?

ANSWER: Since you seem to be able to identify your strengths, then all you simply have to do now is express them. There are great individuals in these fields, listen to their tapes or read their books and do something that taps from your strengths for a minimum of an hour a day and watch yourself grow tremendously.

You can channel your purpose into public speaking and writing. You can use your Facebook page or group to deliver your content.

QUESTION: Why do we have more young writers committing suicide while the older writers are breathing the struggle?

ANSWER: Most of them started writing because they were told they can earn from it.

Not for the love of it or passion. Older writers kill boredom, and depression through writing, the writing was a healing to their aching heart, but to the present-day writers, it plunges them to loneliness and eventually suicide because it was to them a craft and it must pay. The squabbles are all the fall out of fail expectations.

Two man sitting facing each other

QUESTION: What is the most important thing you think a man or woman should achieve or should have before seeing himself/herself ready for marriage?

ANSWER: Knowing what God created you to be, so as to find someone whose purpose and dreams align with yours.

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11 June, 2021

Published June 11, 2021 by with 0 comment

The Young Female Reporter

The Young Female Reporter

Inspirational short stories with lessons; How to achieve your aim and desires

Picture of young female reporter
Source: Pexels

In 1995, I granted an interview with a newspaper in Singapore. The young female reporter was on time, and the interview got underway immediately. We sat in the lobby of a luxurious hotel, sipping coffee and discussing the purpose of my visit to Singapore. I was to share the platform with Zig Ziglar. He was speaking on motivation, and I was speaking on "The Secrets of the Rich."

"Someday, I would like to be a best-selling author like you," she said.

I had seen some of the articles she had written for the paper, and I was impressed. She had a tough, clear style of writing. Her articles held a reader's interest. "You have a great style," I said in reply.  "What holds you back from achieving your dream?"

"My work does not seem to go anywhere," she said quietly. "Everyone says that my novels are excellent, but nothing happens.  So I keep my job with the paper. At least it pays the bills. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Yes, I do," I said brightly.  "A friend of mine here in Singapore runs a school that trains people to sell. He runs sales-training courses for many of the top corporations here in Singapore, and I think attending one of his courses would greatly enhance your career."

She stiffened.  "Are you saying I should go to school to learn to sell?"

I nodded.

"You aren't serious, are you?"

Again, I nodded.  "What is wrong with that?" I was now back peddling. She was offended by something, and now I was wishing 11 had not said anything. In my attempt to be helpful, I found myself defending my suggestion.

"I have a master's degree in English Literature. Why would I go to school to learn to be a salesperson? I am a professional. I went to school to be trained in a profession so I would not have to be a salesperson. I hate salespeople. All they want is money. So tell me why| I should study sales?" She was now packing her briefcase forcibly. The interview was over.

On the coffee table sat a copy of an earlier best-selling book I wrote. I picked it up as well as the notes she had jotted down on her legal pad. "Do you see this?" I said pointing to her notes.

A repoters work table
Source: Unsplash

She looked down at her notes.  "What," she said, confused.

Again, I pointed deliberately to her notes.  On her pad, she had written "Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author." "It says 'best-selling author,' not best 'writing' author." Her eyes widened immediately.

"I am a terrible writer. You are a great writer. I went to sales school. You have a master's degree. Put them together and you get a 'best-selling author' and a 'best-writing author."

Anger flared from her eyes. "I'll never stoop so low as to learn how to sell. People like you have no business writing. I am a professionally trained writer and you are a salesman. It is not fair."

The rest of her notes were put away, and she hurried out through the large glass doors into the humid Singapore morning. 

At least she gave me a fair and favourable write-up the next morning.

As narrated by Robert T. Kiyosaki (Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad)

Robert Kiyorsaki smiling
Brief Biography: Robert Toru Kiyosaki (born April 8, 1947) is an American businessman and author. Kiyosaki is the founder of Rich Global LLC and the Rich Dad Company, a private financial education company that provides personal finance and business education to people through books and videos.

Lessons from the story

1. Be open to learning

2. Don't be offended by good advice, rather think about the lessons

3. Great talent is not enough, learn as much as you can.

How to achieve your aim, goals, and desires

Goals and aim
Source: Unsplash

Everything in life is all about the decision. If you win, it is as a result of your decision. And if you lose, it is the outcome of your decisions as well. Read on How-to- be-more_productive

  1. Be teachable: If you want to be successful, you must keep growing. The best way to achieve your aim is to make yourself a continual learner. ''It is what you learn after you know it all that counts" ___John Wooden 
  2. Build a great interest in learning things that will help you achieve your aims: Learning is not an activity that has a climax, it Is a lifelong pursuit. Your ego is the first thing you need to deal with if you ever want to be teachable. Feeling superior will never help matters because there is a thing you can learn from everyone whether young or old. Pride leads to a loss of desire to learn and an unwillingness to change. Pride often makes a person unteachable. And if you ever want to accomplish your aim, you must become teachable. Learn to listen to instructions, listen more than you talk. Listen openly for the truth, do not act defensive when criticized. never skip the learning process. 
  3. Be disciplined: Discipline can be defined as making yourself do something when you could be doing something more pleasant. Start by taking small activities to make things better. Then you can be increasing the speed as you go on. Do the things that hurt you less, so as not to feel discouraged at first. Push yourself into discomfort a little bit, so you can get better at this over time.
    If not now when?
    Source: Unsplash

  4. Develop the habit of following decisions promptly: Don't try to back up your mistakes with a formidable array of excuses. A disciplined person won't neglect any issue that needs attention. "Discipline is doing what you really don't want to do so you can do what you really want to do." ___Jeff Fisher
    Begin and grow
    Source: Unsplash

  5. Work on your mindset: Make personal development a priority for yourself. This may take a little time because every individual is a product of nature and nurture. The beliefs and notions that every individual grew up with will surely affect the mindset. Your hands will only reach the things that you believe is possible. Doubts and false ideas can prevent anyone from achieving his aim. 
    Develop your mindset
    Source: Unsplash

  6. Look at issues with a positive perception: Don't be an agent of doom. Instead of talking about why it cannot be done, think of ways it can be done. Your mind is the greatest tool that can help you achieve your aim. Work more on feeding it with information that will make it grow from a chicken mindset to a lion's mindset. Picture whatever you want in your mind and back it up with steadfast faith. The first determinant of your success is the mind. Once you can overcome the negative of your desire, you are 99% to getting it.
  7. Be hungry for more: The greatest threat to being all you could be is satisfaction with who you are. Back to the story above, the young female reporter said " I keep my job with the paper, at least it pays the bills." It shows clearly that her desire to become a bestselling author didn't consume her. She just wants to play it safe. Although she was a great writer she lacks the right things to move to the next stage. She said, "everyone says that my novels are ex excellent, but nothing happens." If she wants something to happen, she must have a burning desire to achieve her aim. And if you have previous achievements, don't rely on your laurels. "Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying" ___Roy T. Bennett
    You said tomorrow yesterday_image
    Source: Unsplash

  8. Be specific: Let your aim or goals be clear. Don't say, "I just want to make it." Pinpoint the exact thing you want. The goal statement should indicate what should be accomplished. It should be phrased using action words like "sell," "save, " "create," "build," "implement,"). If the goal is measurable and specific, you can determine if you have accomplished it. If the goal is accomplished, the project is a success. Suppose your objective is to raise capital for your proposed business. An example of a specific goal to help you meet this objective is: "I will save 240 dollars in two months by saving 4 dollars every day for 60 days.
  9. Have a definite plan and deadline: You need to map out the exact way you want to do it. The step by step guides should be written down. And most importantly, create a deadline for that plan. Procrastination is one of the greatest causes of failure. Most times, it is not a lack of knowledge or skill that causes disappointment. It is a lack of focus and inability to make a prompt decision.
    Persist_a girl standing by a beautiful painting
    Source: Unsplash

  10. Persist: It is pertinent to understand that despite your great courage and hard work, you may need to 'refire.' The exact result you desire may not appear immediately. That should never be an excuse to stop shaking the tree of life. Persist and you will surely get down the fruit unheard of. If you keep trying, you will learn, grow and as well be whatever you want to be. If Micheal Jordan had stopped at the sight of failure when he first attempts basketball, He won't be noticed or ever called a great basketball player. He said;

"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something but I cannot accept not trying" ___Micheal Jordan


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