8 Steps To Become Successful
The Road To Success; Don't walk it in this way
Short stories with lessons - How to become successful
When I was very young, I love to practice some funny stuff. There was a day I closed my eyes and started walking to see how possible it is to cope without eyes.
It is fun, and I was enjoying it.
After about 6 to 8 steps, I quickly opened my eyes to see if I am still on the right track. Then I closed my eyes again to explore the BLIND WORLD a little bit further.
As the saying goes; "a dog that will go astray will never hear the whistle of the hunter". Although, my ancestors have whispered in my ear that "stop this thing you are doing, you young boy", but I refused and disobeyed.
As you can guess, after another 6 to 8 steps, I hit my forehead with the wall " GBOOOS!"
Lesson from the story
1.Find your vision before setting out on your success journey.
2.Don't allow ignorance to blindfold you
3.Take advice from superior minds
Success isn't about big houses, expensive cars, or any other material things. You are not created just to go to school, get good grades, get good jobs, marry a wife/husband, give birth to kids, build houses, buy huge cars, get old, retire and die. NO! True success is all about the lives you impacted, the ability to give to the less privileged, and the legacy you left even after you are gone. Success is about pursuing things that actually make a lasting difference.
You can become successful in any area of calling, but to achieve that, you must take action. No single factor guarantees achievement to one person but prevents it for another. When you focus on your goals, take steps and have a little faith in yourself, you can achieve noteworthy success.
All great men who made history had something in common which made them attain great height, and these are the major things listed and explained below:
1. Discover Your Vision
Vision is the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom, It can be termed as 'far-sightedness.' Your vision defines who you want to be, what you want to be known for and the set of accomplishments you aim for. Your vision helps define the goals by giving you a framework to evaluate those goals.
Vision simplifies life and it controls your choices. Once you know where you are going, you also automatically know the road that won't take you there. This will make you focus on the most important things. Vision should be your source of motivation and that is why it is an important step for you to be successful in life.
Discovering your vision is a step you must not skip. You need to have the map of where
you want to be if you want to be successful, that 'map' is your vision.
2. Belief In Yourself
Only what you believe is allowed to happen. Positive things are not exempted. And if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will. You need the right mindset to do so. You have to believe that you can do it to take the right steps toward the desired aim or plan. There are some qualities you need as an individual to position yourself for greatness in your area of calling, do not neglect the right attitudes which you need to travel your life journey successfully.
If you don't believe in your abilities you can never be successful in anything you lay your hands on. You may have been asking yourself within your mind that how can I be successful, or someone has come to you asking the question "what are the steps to become successful?" You should be aware that believing in yourself is one important factor that determines how far you can go.
3. Set Goals
Goal setting is the process of taking active steps to accomplish your desired result. Goal setting involves the development of an action plan created to motivate and guide a person or group toward a goal. Hence, setting goals means that an individual or group has committed thought, emotion, and attitude towards attaining the goal. In doing so, the goal setter has defined a desired future state which differs from their current state, thus organizing a mismatch which in turn stimulates future actions.
There are different types of goal setting, ranging from personal development goals, business goals, academic goals and other aspects of life. The bigger the goals, the more effort you will need to put forth to achieve those goals. However, do not forget the rules for goal setting which is SMARTA. The meaning of that acronym is stated below
Goal setting is one of the key elements of attaining noteworthy success. It is an elaborate topic that needs to be studied if you want to set achievable goals.
4. Be Disciplined
Discipline doesn't mean punishment or making ourselves do something we don’t want to. Discipline is what you may not like doing, but have the opportunity to do to get the results you would like to have.
You need the discipline to keep yourself moving forward and as well towards the life, you want to live during those times that don’t seem to be producing immediate results. Without discipline, successful life is not attainable.
Discipline is needed to back up goal-setting to accomplish the aims and objectives.
5. Develop Persistence
I am very sure that this is not the first time you will hear this statement "winners never quit", right?
You can't be aspiring to become successful and then you are afraid of failure. All successful men you see today have one or more times fail in one thing or the other, but they never give up on their dreams and that is why you see them winning today. Persistence is another thing you must have as an individual to become successful. If you try and fail, try again and again and again until you accomplish what you desired.
There are several real examples you and I know of very well, remember Abraham Lincoln, a one-time American president who tried several times before he won the elections as a president of the United States. Another man I won't do without mentioning is Thomas Edison who failed at several attempts when he was trying to create the light bulb we use today. If he did not persist, will he make it a reality? absolutely no!
6. Have Courage
You have to get courage, you need it to scale through the moments of fear of failure or danger. There are several risks you must be willing to take with the courage to get what you want. You need the courage to act outwardly on what you see inwardly. If you fail to do so you will end up regretting that you didn't take a bold step toward your desire. An how do you face challenges of life that may want you to quit due to fear? at that moment, you have to focus on your ability and not your weakness, if the I CANT mentality has overshadowed your ability, then you will not be able to take bold steps.
Courageous people are not concerned about the time it would take them to get what they want. What they are always concerned about is how to carry out their plan and other necessary things that must be put in place to give the result they want.
7. Live A Life Of Influence
If you ever want to be successful in life, you must strive to be a guide to others. If you can develop other people then you are truly a successful man or woman. Don't just build yourself and stay satisfied, build others as well and you will see your result multiplying rapidly.
What is influence?
Influence is the capacity to affect the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself. This key step of becoming successful that I mentioned is about the positive ones. I am not talking about the negative influences that have corrupted our society today such as people who train armed robbers, kidnappers and so many other negative businesses out there. Ensure the Impact you are trying to make is a positive one, because that is another key way of becoming truly successful.
If you notice the first statement in this write-up which says; Success isn't about big houses, expensive cars, or any other material things. Success is about the lives you impacted. Success is about pursuing things that actually make a lasting difference.
8. Obey Your Creator
Who is your creator?
God right?
You need to commit yourself to your creator and listen to his voice. He knows the plan he has for your life and he alone can direct you to the right path. If you disobey Gods command, your success is not a solid one even if you ever made It. He has given us a book full of promises and commandments. The reason God gave some commandments to us is due to his love for humanity, he wants us to live in peace and comfort. If you study the holy book very well, you will discover that God intends to make us come to him and enjoy the beauty of his love. And if anyone obeys him, such a person will receive God's grace to scale through life hurdles.
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