The Old Man, His Son And The Couple
Inspirational Short Stories with lessons - How to develop a positive attitude towards an individual, a group, object or circumstance, how to avoid negative view on matters and people's behaviour.
A 24-year-old boy was with his dad on a train. seeing out from the train’s window, he shouted. “Dad, look the trees are going behind!” his dad smiled.
A young couple was sitting nearby, they looked at the 24-year old’s childish behaviour with pity.
suddenly he again shouted, “Dad look! the clouds are running with us!”
The couple couldn’t resist and said to the old man. “Why don’t you take your son to a good doctor?”
The old man smiled and said
“I did and we are just coming from the hospital, my son was blind from birth, he just got his eyes today.”
Lessons from the story
1. Every single person in the world has a story. Don’t judge people before you truly know them. The truth might surprise you.
2. Be quiet whenever you aren't sure of the reason behind a circumstance.
How to develop a positive view on matters and people's behaviour.
“Positive anything is better than negative nothing.” ___Elbert Hubbard
It is not reasonable to jump to conclusions. And even if you need to say something about an event/occurrence, let it be a positive one. Causing sadness in people's lives can come from the response you gave to their actions or words. There are lots of critics in the world already, let your words be an encouragement and not an energy drainer to peoples lives. Our forefathers said, "voice is like an egg, once it drops, it breaks and there is no remedy to the damage."
Your words automatically create a memory in people's mind. It can either be a good one or a bad one. You must be aware that bad memories hurt and last longer than good memories. It is possible to easily forget the good things people do to you, but if an individual hurts you badly, you can recall that easily because it will surely be connected to your emotions, especially if you are the emotional type. How often do you remember the times your friend share his/her things with you in school? But you cannot easily forget the day he/she implicates you, especially if you were severely punished.
The world continues getting worse due to the way everyone sees his fellow man. If by the law of the Creator, you are to love your neighbour as yourself. And not trying to intimidate, discourage or frustrate other human beings like you.
"If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a
_____Frances Hodgson Burnett
Imagine a world filled with individuals that have compassion towards their fellow man. The joy, unity, peace and progress of such a world can't be defined.
And these are the answers to the question;
how do I develop a positive attitude, view, or perception on matters and people's behaviour.
To develop a positive view of people's behaviour or circumstance, you must:
1. Ask questions in a positive manner
In as much as you are ready to develop a positive attitude on people's behaviour or circumstance. Be relaxed and at the same time quick to ask questions positively.
“You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.” ___Joyce Meyer
The couples in the story asked “Why don’t you take your son to a good doctor?”(the suggestion is a negative one) instead of using a line such as "why is your son so excited" (positive). It is as if the couple is saying, the boy is not mentally alright.
The way a question has been constructed will definitely show the impression of such an individual towards the other party.
And to have a positive impression on issues, you must ask questions in a
positive way if you are unable to keep silent.
Perhaps someone is shouting excessively and you got irritated, instead of saying; why are you barking like a dog?, say; Are you aware that your voice is too loud. In that way, you are not sounding negative or abusive, rather you are healthily passing the information.
"It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money
you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount
of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters"
2. Consider Other people's Perspective
If you're engaging in a thing with someone else, think of his or her opinion and how it relates to your own. For instance, let’s say you are expected to meet at the beach by midday and such an individual showed up an hour late, you may have many different impressions based on your perspective. You may feel angry that the person has disrespected your agreed time, or maybe you feel worried that something bad has happened to such being. However, from his/her point of view, he/she may have been stuck in traffic or delayed by an unexpected issue that must be attended to without delay.
Or maybe you agreed on a particular thing together with others and you discovered the plan was changed without your consent. You must try to know why they do so and avoid reacting negatively. You can ask them a question about it instead of having a wrong conclusion that they don't regard you well or that they are deceitful.
3. Stop Thinking In Terms Of "Should" or "shouldn't."
thinking in terms of how certain things should or shouldn't be can lead to disappointment. We all tend to see things from our limited perspective, but our view of how things should or should not be causes most of the suffering in our lives," Avoid this perception about any form of occurrence or actions displayed by people.
If you address issues based on what should or shouldn't be, it might bring in troubles, because things will not always go as you think. Everyone is unique, the way you see things is quite different from others. Everybody looks at the same situation with different viewpoints. The main point is this; perception differs.
4. Delay response or reactions to situations
This is one of the most effective ways on how to develop a positive view of people's behaviour or circumstance.
You must be quick to hear, and learn to delay responses. At times, we respond to situations without having a full understanding of what has happened. And through this process, we won't be able to respond to it in the right way, because the reaction to such a situation was not coming from the actual sense but from what we assumed. And this can lead to the wrong proclamation. Hence, it is advisable to keep quiet when you have not found out the basis of what happened.
5. Imagine the Bigger Picture
Consider the bigger picture when forming a perspective on something. let your conclusion focus on the better side, think of this viewpoint or area of focus and hold up within the larger picture or real-world effects. By enlarging your lens to the bigger picture you will begin to see things more clearly. More details about the event will come to you naturally if you can imagine the big picture. Hence, you will positively view people's behaviour.
The big picture in the real sense is the entire perspective on a situation or issue.
To develop a positive view of people's behaviour or circumstance, you must not have a narrow mindset about issues, circumstance or behaviour of people. Think in a big and reasonable way.
6. Avoid prejudice
To develop a positive view of people's behaviour or circumstance, you must learn to avoid prejudice.
Prejudice is a negative and unfavourable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reasoning. It can be any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favourable or unfavourable. It is also unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of an opposing nature, towards any ethnic, racial, social, or religious group.
Prejudice can be a powerful influence, biasing the way we think about and act towards other people. Now, a new study shows that the way people view ethnic minority faces is communicated to their level of prejudice. It turns out that the visualized faces based on the choices of prejudiced people were characterized by another group as being more criminal-looking.
Prejudice has a powerful and harmful effect, it has the power to affect the way we react to situations. Prejudice makes the victim feel less than fully human. Prejudice can often lead to bullying and other forms of discrimination.
Prejudice can be termed as small-mindedness, and this is totally against a positive attitude. A positive outlook will come alive only in big thinking and not a small mindset.
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